Dyslexia Petition

Please sign this Change.org petition in support of all children with dyslexia. My daughter's totally awesome, 2nd grade teacher, who has dyslexia training, started this petition. The children need our help & it will only take a few moments of your time to sign it.

Sign here: 

Why This Is Important?
Initial Teacher Training course providers should be required to deliver mandatory and consistent dyslexia awareness sessions. All teachers should be trained to understand dyslexia, its impact on learning and what constitutes dyslexia friendly practice. Teachers should be aware of when to signpost learners for assessment and when to provide appropriate intervention.

Websites that help with training:

Sign here: 

Dyslexia Simplified

What is dyslexia? 
With dyslexia, a person mixes up letters and/or word sequences and therefore has interference in his or her learning as the brain has a problem processing language. Dyslexia is the most common reading disability & affects 2-8% of school age children.

There are 2 kinds of dyslexia
a) "Developmental phonological dyslexia" - where one has a problem with nonword reading.       
b) "Developmental surface dyslexia" - where one has difficulty in reading irregular words.

Continue reading the PDF here:

This pdf simplifies dyslexia superbly so it will be a quick & easy read with tips & pointers for working with dyslexic students (good for parents to read too). It also includes a 20 question test for Adult Dyslexia near the end. 

Lastly, this is an excellent PDF to print out for informing other students/parents who are new to this. It's short like a pamphlet.

Dyslexia Test

Most dyslexics will exhibit about 10 of 37 common traits & behaviors. These characteristics an vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing about dyslexics is their inconsistency.

Dyslexic children & adults can become avid & enthusiastic readers when given learning tools that fit their creative learning style.


The 2 most common forms of learning disabilities (LD) in America are Dyslexia & ADHD. There are more than 20 million Americans living with one or the other.

Click here to watch this 25 min. documentary:

This film provides an overview of dyslexia & ADD while exploring the brave lives of diverse individuals persevering in a world not designed with them in mind.

Genius Disease

The image below definitely represents my daughter's writing. It also shows that most dyslexics also have ADD behaviors. My daughter loses everything, all the time. She also cannot focus like the average child. She gets so frustrated with her dyslexia/dysgraphia that it often brings her to tears. It's so painful to watch her go through this process. All I can do is hold & reassure her of the positive sides of dyslexia.


Genetics 677

That image below is another perfect example of what my daughter experiences with her dysgraphia. It's very frustrating for her. She has to work 10x harder than the average 10-year-old to achieve the same results as them. Some days she wishes giving up were an option.

Assignment for Genetics 677: 

Image of a child's writing who is dyslexic

Brain Scans

I think it's absolutely amazing at how we can now identify dyslexia. We can use this technological advance to prove that a child not only has dyslexia but also to detect it at earlier ages. I knew my daughter had dyslexia in 1st grade. Her 1st grade teacher said that my daughter did not have dyslexia. The teacher was wrong. As a result, my daughter suffered through the pain of being bullied by the other 1st graders because she could not read & write well. She would come home in fountains of tears after school. The school would not help me. I had to switch her to a private school to get her the much needed help.

Brain scans spot early signs of dyslexia