What is dyslexia?
With dyslexia, a person mixes up letters and/or word sequences and therefore has interference in his or her learning as the brain has a problem processing language. Dyslexia is the most common reading disability & affects 2-8% of school age children.
There are 2 kinds of dyslexia
a) "Developmental phonological dyslexia" - where one has a problem with nonword reading.
b) "Developmental surface dyslexia" - where one has difficulty in reading irregular words.
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This pdf simplifies dyslexia superbly so it will be a quick & easy read with tips & pointers for working with dyslexic students (good for parents to read too). It also includes a 20 question test for Adult Dyslexia near the end.
Lastly, this is an excellent PDF to print out for informing other students/parents who are new to this. It's short like a pamphlet.